And if anyone knows what's up with my betta Homelander's raised spot on his nose I'd appreciate your input! He's in a 5g with a heater. His water gets low dose of fertilizer, anti-stress, conditioner and there are a few root tabs for the plants. He has monte carlo, 6 anubias of three types, java moss, a banana plant, zebra rock, sand and fluval substrate. I feed him hikari bio gold pellets for bettas, like I do with every betta I've owned, and I feed the snailcrab cuisine with calcium. The snail (Houdini) has doubled in size in like a week and seems extremely healthy, at least. I'm not new to owning bettafish but second opinions help a lot c: I got him a week and a half ago. He's active but not panicked active, I think. I did cycle the tank first.

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