Please excuse all the algae, it’s a different problem that I’ve been battling (however any tips are welcomed)

I’m not sure what happened to my betta, this was a few weeks ago I noticed that it looked like he cut his mouth, however I wasn’t too worried because he was acting the same and still eating and within a day or two it looked a lot better. However this morning I noticed it looked much worse (I wasn’t able to snag a pic) with the other side of his mouth seeming to be injured as well. He wasn’t acting completely normal, a bit groggish and took much longer for him to come to my finger (he’s kinda trained?) and he didn’t eat this morning which wasn’t super crazy because he usually takes a while to decide to eat and I was in the rush so he may have eaten after I left.

Will he be okay? Is there something I can do?

Posted by Moist_Willingness_55

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