Was struggling to respond to everyone on my last post, so I'm dropping this update here real quick!

First pics are what was shown on Craigslist, the box is how they were given to me, and then the last set are them now with me in some nano tanks I had

They still need heaters and eventually bigger tanks, but they're doing SO much better now than those filthy tiny Tupperwares

I'm disabled so money is hard to come by, so it may be a while before I can get them fully upgraded and bigger homes, but one redditor was kind enough to reach out and offer their old Betta tank situation, which they're going to try to ship on Monday, so that's awesome!

The story the lady gave me made me feel a little bad for her, but in the end she did the right thing by giving them up

She said basically "I had been keeping them for like a year but then there were some really mean people online and apparently this isnt good bfor them, I dunno I had them for like a year like this, but yeah I didn't want to buy a bunch of tanks and stuff"

On one hand she was definitely not properly briefed on their care by the pet stores, but who is surprised? It's sad she didn't want to care for them properly after finding out she was doing it wrong, but at least she didn't keep keeping them like this after finding out she was doing wrong

I'm a little concerned about the blue guy, he was in the worst water by far, and he seems to have some sort of divet/small hole over one of his eyes. His eyes are also a little cloudy.

I'm keeping a close eye on him, but I'm not sure what to do for him, meds wise. He seems to be swimming fine (he has a hunch so he swims a little odd) and even playing in the current frequently (there are dead spots for him to rest thanks to some driftwood and moss i have in the tank that he'll rest in before returning to playing)

All of their fins are tattered but it doesn't seem like there's any fish rot as far as I can see, so that's a small blessing 💖

One is a female, too! She's quiet large and colorful as well, which surprised me, but I see her gravid spot, so, definitely a female. She's actually a bit bigger than the boys. I'm wondering if she's a king Betta female, maybe 🤔


Posted by DameDerpin

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