I grew attached to a betta I was fish sitting so my friend let me keep him. He makes his bubble nests, comes to me when I sit in front of him and is active. When he can he has no color on his body, just some purplish iridescence. Apparently someone else was taking care of him and they didn’t do a good job. Now, some color (red) is returning ever so slowly, along his head. I’m not sure what color he is even supposed to be. If you can’t already tell, I am a novice. I do love him.
He is in a 2ish gallon tank with a snail buddy. He has a house, a filter, and plant clippings he swims through. I tried red floaters, they don’t seem to get enough light to thrive.
I put tap water conditioner and something that said ‘heals tissues’ in it.


  1. Tank is a bit small for a betta and a snail. A 5 gallon or more tank would be better. You didn’t mention a heater? Keep the water temp 78 f or a bit higher.

  2. Wow, a beauty! I would upgrade to a bigger thank when you can! You can find tanks cheaply on facebook marketplace usually, just test them for a couple of days (leave filled with water outside to ensure no leaks) and make sure you fully cycle them before moving him over. I had my betta in a 10g, and he did really well there. He really loved the fresh plants and I would give him frozen brine shrimp in addition to his normal food. I would also look into getting a tank heater if you don’t have one already.

    A more natural substrate might be a good plan too, especially for the plants.

    It sounds like you have his best interests at heart and are doing your best, so good on you already!

  3. Connect_Repeat_6692 on

    Mine likes to explore, so change the substrate and get more plants! Change the tank size to up to five gallons, with a heater, cycle it and he’ll love it. Have handy two or more varieties of food available for him. Go to the betta section of the pet shop. I got a mirror because mine can’t stand any fish that I have in my aquariums.

    Once you get to know each other better if you get a sense that he may be peaceful, then you can introduce one fish to the tank, as a companion. Nothing shiny nor tiny. I am very happy for you! Good luck!

  4. AshamedIndividual883 on

    i’d try a ten gallon tank with a couple corydora friends! make sure you have a heater to keep the water warm and LOTS of plants.. they love to make beds on anything. my betta thrived in these conditions and went from a dark grey (she was this color when i bought her from the pet store) to a bright blue with red fins! i’m not sure what you feed him, but make sure he gets some nutritious food like blood worms and brine shrimp!

  5. Mindless-Progress766 on

    Pothos are actually toxic for bettas! Different plants will be a great start

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