This is Lox, a blue marble male I’ve had for about a year. He’s had dragon eye since I got him, but in the past few months he’s developed several tumors that have grown quite large. Recently I’ve noticed his fins looking a bit more ragged than before, but then again, so do his scales. I’m not seeing signs of discoloration, and his fins have looked like this for a short while now without much change. Would this be fin rot? If so, do you think it would be worth the risk to treat? I don’t have a good hospital tank setup (limited space/student budget) and I’m worried moving him out of his cycled home might push him over the edge as he is already quite frail thanks to the weight and location of the tumors. I am also wondering when it may be best to euthanize. Ideally I want to keep him alive as long as possible, or at least for as long as he’s swimming and eating normally. But I can tell things are becoming harder for him, and I definitely don’t want him to suffer.


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  2. Fabrizio_west on

    I’d say it’s just the bad genetics. I also had a blue marble that I got as a “rescue” because he already had a big tumor. He lived for maybe 3 years after that, tumors would grow and then shrink or fall off pretty regularly. Eventually he was just dead one day with no real indication or warning. They should really stop with these overly inbred dragon scales.

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