Hey there, im new to owning fish and I’m planning on buying this 5.5 gallon tank (16.5 in L x 8.75 in D x 10.75 in H) to put on my bookshelf. At first I wanted a variety but quickly realized this would not give me healthy, happy fish.

However, I really don’t want to own just 1 fish and possibly some shrimp or snails. I just want 2 fish that would be perfectly fine in a tank like this. Any recommendations??


  1. a good starter for fish are guppies, or my first ‘fish’ i got were african dwarf frogs and they’re super easy to take care of and i found usually have less issues than even other fish

  2. Choose any one of the options from below along with shirmps and/or snails.

    1. Betta.
    2. 6-8 any nano schooling fish.
    3. Barbs
    4. Killifish
    5. Kulhli Loaches
    6. Gouramis
    7. Pea puffers
    8. Cichlids

    Choose wisely still. Although I would prefer you go for a bigger tank for watever option u pick.

    But you will hit it off nicely, if you cycle you tank quite well with good tank elements: water parameters, plants, decor, substrate and filters (& heaters).

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