Hey guys! This is my first planted tank and first time owning a fish, it's been quite the project. Thanks to this subreddit I got a lot of information on how to get this little guy aesthetically and chemically comfortable. Though the pet store said he's not a pure Betta, I got him anyway.

Anyway, my questions are:
1) Wtf do you think he might be? Does he have a birth defect or is he the product of breeding with another fish? Is he even a male?

2) I want to get another Betta in the future, is it okay to have another male in there? Any particular types of Betta fish that tend to do better with another? Is it better to do that sooner or should I wait a bit and then introduce another tank buddy? My best idea, so far, is to just go get another one and set their bag in there to see if either one of them go nuts. If they do I return the new one and try again. Thanks!


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    Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our [caresheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/3ow6vz/info_betta_care_sheet/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/index). Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. Please check out our [guide to the nitrogen cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/fishincycle) to learn more.

    If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can:

    * **Tank size**:
    * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**:
    * **Tank temperature**:
    * **[Parameters in numbers and how you got them](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tank#wiki_test_kits)**:
    * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**:
    * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**:
    * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**:
    * **What do you feed and how much**:
    * **Decorations and plants in the tank**:
    * **If you haven’t already posted a picture, please post pics/vids to imgur and paste the link here**:

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    Failure to provide adequate information about your tank *can* result in post removal. Please see rule 4 for more information.

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  2. Sorry for all of the questions, but I actually have one more:

    If my tap water pH consistently reads between 7.6-8.2, what should I do? I don’t want to buy a reverse osmosis filter or have to buy Walmart water Everytime. I got the tablets “correct pH” and they worked but it always gets higher when I do a water change. Is it bad if I use a tablet every few days when I’m doing daily water changes? It fixes it, but I wonder if it is bad for the fish…

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