Howdy all, I've had this gorgeous lil dude for approx. 3 weeks now and his behavior has been super healthy. Energetic, great appetite, bubble nesting, and curious, but I've been keeping an eye on his face/head because when I brought him him we noticed he had a slightly pale patch on his forehead. I can't find any information about what it could he, and others who had similar photos never found answers but their fish never seemed harmed by said patches. They're not fuzzy and they don't appear to be damaging him, but they have definitely been changing noticeably.

Because he's still acting super healthy despite this, and others with similar reports never ended up with issues (as far as I could find), I haven't been too concerned. Today, however, I noticed what looks like a small lump on his head toward one side. I circled it in one of the photos because he's so dark it's a little tough to see, but is this a tumor? Are these darker colored/orchid patterns prone to them? If so, how worried should I be and is there even anything I can do? He seems healthy, active, and happy otherwise.


  1. AutoModerator on

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  2. According_Sweet_5854 on

    I mean it looks totally fine but I guess I’m not a betta fish doctor lol

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