There’s nothing wrong with shooting and keeping gar, they’re a plentiful and good eating fish. But please don’t waste the fish and dump them at the boat ramp it smells like shit and lowers your reputation

Posted by Desperate_Lack654


  1. ohgodibrokeit on

    Folks kill them off because they eat the young of the “better” fish, it’s culling, and I’m not against that, but this? Take the damn fish elsewhere, I’m fine with the “waste” but making the boat ramp reek isn’t ok

  2. NowakowskiOutdoors67 on

    As long as it’s legal to take them by bow according to state and site regs that’s fine. But I too have an issue of disposal where they’d create a mess and become a stinking nuisance where a lot of people congregate. There are other options for that.


    Bowfishermen are getting such a bad name because of this shit. They need to regulate it so you have to take anything you shoot.

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