I love hanging out with him but since hes a fish i obviously cant hold him or touch him but i love bonding and stuff. i sing to him sometimes or just talk. i love him 🙂
I discuss the daily with my Popcorn, she’s right next to the door so everyone is always saying stuff to her
Duvaindes on
No, but Wallace and I do enjoy deep philosophical conversation.
Thresher_shark3896 on
I sing and talk to my bettas all the time, I’m always trying to find what music they like best 🙂
I do, I’ll sing to mine before I turn off his lights. He always stays at the front of the tank right where I am to “listen”.
ZestycloseHand8993 on
I bond with feeding, finger play, and I talk to mine like a dog (ex: Hoi babyyyyyy awwwww hooooiiiiiii đź’–đź’–đź’– I lwuvs yooooooou x3 *kiss noise* I luve u so muuuuuch!!)
That’s very cute.
I discuss the daily with my Popcorn, she’s right next to the door so everyone is always saying stuff to her
No, but Wallace and I do enjoy deep philosophical conversation.
I sing and talk to my bettas all the time, I’m always trying to find what music they like best 🙂
I do, I’ll sing to mine before I turn off his lights. He always stays at the front of the tank right where I am to “listen”.
I bond with feeding, finger play, and I talk to mine like a dog (ex: Hoi babyyyyyy awwwww hooooiiiiiii đź’–đź’–đź’– I lwuvs yooooooou x3 *kiss noise* I luve u so muuuuuch!!)