He’s a new betta, I’ve had him for a week. He’s in a 5 gallon tank with plenty of live plants, tank is cycled with perfect water (78F, 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, ~5ppm nitrate, ~7.5pH). I noticed he has small dots on his head but I’m not sure if it’s hole in head disease as he came like that. He‘a very active and I haven’t noticed any other signs of issues (no fin rot, etc). I hope everything is okay!


Posted by Vtonix


  1. Those are sensory pits, they help fish detect environmental things like currents and pressure changes

  2. Panda cories need more space than a 5 gallon. Your fish is fine but his tank mates need more. I’d say a minimum of 15 gallons since they need floor space and schools.

    You could do shrimp as buddies for him and as bottom feeders

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